We have observed that very few Laos-based companies involved Lao Lawyer (the “law firms registered under Lao PDR laws”) in making internationalized commercial contracts to the extent required for governing, construing, and interpreting by the Lao legislation. People have long ignored the Lao Lawyer’s role in drafting core legalistic documents, including without limitation the executive power decrees, legislative power resolutions, in addressing the Lao law issues regarding the endorsement of or exemption from specific clauses of applicable Lao laws as the case may be. Quite often, state agencies have carelessly assigned technical staff to draft legal opinions to ascertain the legal capacity of the Lao entities and compliance with the Lao laws towards the signing of internationalized contracts. Ignorance about the Lao-law consideration in internationalized contracts under the Lao jurisdiction is a fiasco. We now testify that Lao Lawyer indisputably helps to connect the Lao substantive laws to procedural rules asserted in international arbitration and litigation proceedings as may take place in any fora and jurisdictions.